And So It Begins…

Hello Friends,

This morning as I write this blog, I continue to pinch myself about my new contract offer from Liquid Silver Books. Follow That Dress is a novella (approx 120 pages in length.) I myself, like a longer story. When I get invested I want it to last. Lol. But, some readers like a shorter book so I tried to write something that I could wrap up rather quickly. Funny thing is, for me, writing a novella? Not so easy. I am definitely a more wordy person and those of you that know me could attest to that. Sometimes you need masking tape to shut me up… The point is, I could have gone on and on and on. I really could have easily done a full length novel. What’s your personal choice? Novel or Novella?  

2 Responses to “And So It Begins…”

  1. Gina Egiziano-Calixto Says:

    Hello old friend…My personal choice is “both” reason being…I enjoy a GOOD book as long as the ending is not a cliff hanger…so it really doesn’t matter long or short easy reading or not just as long as the story keeps me reading…I do want to get a copy of your book and I will be sure to let you know my thoughts. Blog soon…


  2. Hi there.. So excited you stopped by. I appreciate the comment. I do love a good story and I agree about the cliffhangers. To me, if you write a novella the story should wrap up at the end. It’s okay to do a series but only if they are on the secondary characters. That is just my opinion, of course. That said, I think you will love my new novella, Follow That Dress. It ill hit close to home for you Gina. My heroine is from Flushing Queens and has a mouth like a sewer. Ha! It’s Cinderella meets pretty woman. I’ll keep you posted.


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